Des milliers de premiers intervenants, de responsables des services d'urgence, de services d'urgence et d'agences fédérales, étatiques et locales, ainsi que des écoles, des universités, des hôpitaux et des entreprises, font confiance à Rave. Découvrez comment vous pouvez soumettre votre histoire Rave SmartSave.
Le Rave Summit a accueilli de nombreux leaders du secteur de l'enseignement supérieur et les participants ont pu découvrir comment leurs pairs gèrent cette période sans précédent.
Le Rave Summit a accueilli de nombreux leaders du secteur de la maternelle à la terminale et les participants ont pu découvrir comment leurs pairs gèrent cette période sans précédent.
Superintendents, principals, school resource officers, teachers, counselors, nurses and administrative staff in over 13,000 school districts have returned to the classroom after almost 18 months of hybrid or remote learning. Staff members are doing their best to create a sense of new normalcy for students as they navigate the unknown, while still dealing with everyday emergencies.
Defined policies, situational awareness, and efficient employee communication are core to HR leadership’s ability to create a safe and productive working environment; however, it can be challenging to deliver on employee expectations of safety and workplace wellbeing when HR’s single communication channel is email. Consider the following questions when evaluating your employee communication and engagement
Over the past decade, staffing models in healthcare have most often been designed to balance the value-driven requirements of the Affordable Care Act with a nationwide shortage of medical personnel. At the start of the COVID-19 crisis, staffing models in healthcare underwent significant changes – changes that may be with us for a while.