When an unexpected emergency occurs, we rarely get enough advance notice that it will happen, if any notice at all. That’s why a business continuity plan is essential for your organization. A business continuity plan outlines your organization’s procedures and policies to follow in the event of an emergency to improve its response and recovery.
“You can’t get to true prevention until you understand who the motivators are and why they are motivated.” Dr. Jillian Peterson, a forensic psychologist and professor of criminology at Hamline University in Minnesota, shared the above logic and other keen observations during an insightful TEDXHamlineUniversity talk titled, “How to Prevent School Shootings.” Dr. Peterson is the
According to the FBI, the number of active shooter events has increased over the past few years; 2021 showed a 52.5% increase from 2020 and a 96.8% increase from 2017.
Mass shootings, which can be defined as an attack where 3 or more people are killed by a firearm, are unpredictable, making it difficult for corporate spaces to adequately address gun-related risks, including the best practices for preparing and preventing these attacks.
Disaster plans need to cover what might happen whether employees are working remotely, are on-site or are traveling for business. Companies should implement and ensure their employees know how to reach others during and after emergencies and how to continue operations in the wake of an emergency.