Rave SmartSave Awards
Give recognition to those using Rave products to positively impact a call and/or response.
The Rave SmartSave Award gives recognition to those using Rave products, including Rave 911 Suite, Rave Panic Button, Rave Alert, and Rave Guardian in any way that positively impacts an emergency call and/or response.
Additionally, agencies, organizations or institutions using Rave products, can request a press release, their story published on the Rave Mobile Safety blog and post mentioning on social media platforms.

Examples situations by product:
Smart911 Safety Profile: If the Safety Profile is used in any way, to provide information, confirm details with the caller, or needs to be referenced during the call or response.
Facility Profile: If a facility profile is used to improve situational awareness and response.
Chat: Chat is used to communicate with the caller to facilitate dispatch and response.
Notes: If previous notes are utilized in order to assist in the dispatch and response.
RapidSOS Location: If the location provided from RapidSOS was used to locate the caller.
Rave First Responder View: If a responder in the field is able to utilize the responder portal in order to assist in the response.
Domestic situation: We was able to chat with the caller to determine if any weapons in the residence. Also if any children where present and names of parties involved. With this information was able to provide safety information to responding law enforcement.
– Submitted on Dec 2018
Telecommunicator received an open line call in which the address was not given. Because of the SMART911, the dispatcher was able to ascertain the address and send help. This was an in progress call that resulted in a person being arrested for assaulting another person. Without the SMART911 program it would have taken several more minutes to accurately pinpoint the location and send first responders. Ultimately, the use of SMART911 possibly saved the person from being assaulted more severely or may have even prevented worse.
-Submitted on April 2018
The Rave SmartSave Award recognizes emergency management personal, telecommunicators, or safety staff for utilizing Rave Alert for sending mass notification to alert individuals in your community, campus or facility staff.
Dispatch received a report of a 63 year old male Alzheimer’s patient who had left his residence on foot approximately one hour prior to the caller reporting him leaving. At 30 degrees, the subject was only wearing blue jeans, a knit cap and a fleece jacket. At 13:27 pm Dispatch sent out a Rave Alert with a radius of 10 miles surrounding his home address. At 13:32 Dispatch received a call from a citizen who had received the alert and had seen an elderly man walking about 10 miles east of his home location 20 minutes prior to receiving the alert. Units were sent to the area and located the subject, who they confirmed to be the missing 63 year old Alzheimer’s patient. The man was returned home safe and well.-Submitted on November 2018
The Rave SmartSave Award recognizes call takers and responders for responding to Rave Panic Button use and positively impacting the call. As well as organizations, institutions or businesses staff for utilizing the Rave Panic Button in any way that positively impact an emergency call.
A teacher at an Elementary School, activated the Rave Panic Button for a medical emergency to alert her colleagues and contact 911 that a student was in need of medical attention. Immediately, the School Resource Officers, nurses, and Administrators were notified through the Rave Panic Button that a medical incident was in progress at one of our school buildings. Rapidly, first responders arrived on the scene to render aid. The Rave Panic Button notifications allowed for a quick response time of both internal resources as well as first responders. I would like to submit this SmartSave Award on behalf of a teacher for her quick thinking and calm under pressure.
-Submitted on Dec 2018
The Rave SmartSave Award recognizes campus safety staff, police, and individuals for responding to Rave Guardian use and positively impacting the call. There is no limit to how many awards can be presented to an agency or individual in a given time frame.
If a student’s Rave Guardian timer goes off, and Campus Safety is able to assist.
When someone uses the Guardian app to submit a tip and positively impacts a situation.
Anytime student using their Guardian app to call campus or 9-1-1
To submit your story, please complete the below form in its entirety. You can check out our list of submission examples for guidance. From there, nominate an individual or organization and fill out the incident information details.
“The Smartsave awards provide real-life success stories. Our goal is to help these organizations recognize the amazing work of their telecommunicators, first responders, and staff members for utilizing lifesaving technologies such as Rave solutions to help their community in emergencies situations. We receive so much positive feedback from organizations about the SmartSave Award program” -Sasha Vargas, Rave Mobile Safety Community Marketing Manager
Recent SmartSave Award Recipients
Multi-Modal Communication with Rave 911 Suite
The caller was very hard of hearing and could understand what the dispatcher said. Dispatcher realized this until they texted the caller the usual “This is the 911 dispatcher,”… Ect. The caller told dispatch she couldn’t hear but that she saw a female wandering in the area and that she possibly needed help. Dispatcher texted the caller all of the questions the dispatcher needed to be answered for protocols. The dispatcher inputted the information into the call as the caller spoke the answers to the questions. Dispatcher advised her via RAVE that we would get an officer dispatch as soon as possible. Rave made communicating with the caller much easier and more proficient as she couldn’t hear what the dispatcher was saying. It made the call a lot less frustrating for both of us.
Smart911 Location & Chat Feature Locates Caller
Telecommunicator Ariane Alvarez answered a 9-1-1 distress call from a person who claimed he was hiding from a threatening situation. TC Alvarez was able to use new specialized equipment at NORCOMM 9-1-1 to not only track down a possible location to route police to the area but also tried communicating with the caller via text messages. The caller disconnected the call and did not answer on callback. TC Alvarez used her knowledge of the technological systems, including Rave/Smart 9-1-1 location and chat features available to her, and quick thinking to pinpoint the caller’s location and push police to that area where police were able to assist the caller.
The chat feature allowed the 9-1-1 telecommuniactor to remain in contact with a frightemed caller and maintain contact while using inpoint location to get emergency resources and needed asssitance to the caller.
Smart911 Chat Feature Improves Response Time
Emergency dispatch attempted to answer an incoming 911 call during a time when our 911 system was experiencing operational issues and the call dropped almost immediately after being connected to our PSAP. The dispatcher was not able to obtain enough information to determine the type of incident, therefore he utilized the chat feature of Rave to initial contact with the caller. The caller responded back within a minute and was able to advise via text that she was having an asthma attack with difficulty breathing. The dispatcher then alerted medical responders – which occurred 2 minutes after the failed 911 call. There was no delay in dispatching emergency medical assistance because of the quick actions of the dispatcher, and the use of the Rave Smart911 chat feature.
Rave Panic Button Helps Unresponsive Student
Snohomish County 911 received a call for an individual who had collapsed at a local school. While the 911 operator helped the caller, the 911 dispatcher alerted Fire/EMS crews of the incident. At the same time the Supervisor noticed the Rave Panic alarm and specifically that the patient may not be breathing. He quickly initiated a Rave Alert to school officials there was a need for an AED on the southwest wing of the school. Two teachers started providing CPR and set-up the AED. A follow-up Rave alert was pushed out to school staff once we learned an AED and nurse were with the patient. This is a great example of school staff, 911 and Fire/EMS working together to make a difference in our community.
Smart911 Chat Saves Family from Intruders
Dispatch received a 911 call that was very faint and staticky. We ended up losing connection with the caller. The dispatcher immediately reconnected with the caller but the results were not much different. Through quick thinking and the use of Smart 911 she was able to use the chat feature and start a conversation with the frantic caller. Dispatch was able to ascertain an address in a trailer park and was able to get help to the correct location as well as keep the caller safe. Two men were breaking into her residence and the caller was with a baby and very scared. Through the quick thinking of the dispatcher and the ability to have such a product like Smart 911 we were able to mitigate the circumstance and keep all the parties safe.
Smart911 Chat Feature Prevents Unnecessary Dispatch
A dispatcher received an open line 9-1-1 telephone call. Unable to hear anything and with no one responding to his voice, the dispatcher attempted to voice call back the number without an answer and unable to leave a message. Utilizing the chat feature of the Smart911 console, the dispatcher initiated an SMS text session with the phone. Through the chat the dispatcher was able to determine the caller was a child on a school bus who was not experiencing an emergency, but experimenting with her phone.
The chat feature saved emergency response from using valuable law enforcement resources to attempt to locate a moving target for a non-emergency. It saves us time/effort/expense as well as embarrassment on part of the child caller in this incident.
Rave 911 Suite Caller Location Data Helps Police Response
A dispatcher answered a 911 call and had a male that was in distress, frantically trying to communicate. The dispatcher was able to hear him but he was unable to hear them. The dispatcher got his location from what was provided by Rave and stacked a hang-up call for police to respond to. The dispatcher initiated a text and the victim was able to text back with his location, what happened and a description of the vehicle that hit him. Without Rave we wouldn’t have gotten officers en route in a timely manner and this man would have been left on the side of the road.
Rave 911 Suite Locates Caller Held Against Will
A caller called 911 and hung up, the telecommunicator called back and no answer. Using the Rave 911 suite the telecommunicator was able to start an SMS chat conversation with the caller and the caller advised that they were taken against their will. The caller provided her location and the telecommunicator was able to relay the information to first responders.
Rave Guardian Saves Student Needing Medical Attention
A student used the Rave Guardian app to inform first responders that she needed immediate medical attention after consuming a bottle of medicine.
Rave 911 Suite Locates Lost Hunter
The caller was hunting and got lost in the woods. Using the Rave 911 Suite the telecommunicator was able to use the chat function to communicate with the caller and get GPS coordinates of the caller’s mobile device location.
Armed Intruder Captured Thanks to 911 Texting Feature
A 911 caller was reporting an individual with a gun inside her apartment. She asked if she could text instead of talk. The 911 call taker began texting the caller to keep them safe using Rave 911 Suite. The incident ended in an officer involved shooting however, the caller and the victim were safe. If the officers did not have that information because the caller hung up, it could have ended with an officer shot.
Rave Staff Assist Helps Injured Student
A student in the PE gym was injured during class. A teacher used Rave Staff Assist to quickly get help. The school nurse, SROs, and administrators arrived quickly to help the student. Our response times have dramatically improved with Rave Panic Button.
Cellular Location Data Saves Woman Held Against Will
We received a tip that a female may be being held against her will. The dispatchers working together as a team initiated a CHAT message to the females phone and were able to identify her location. The location was in a very remote area in our county. As Deputies were responding the dispatchers updated the location and determined the vehicle had been moved into a field. Using Fire Cameras, the dispatchers were able to see the vehicle in the area. Deputies located the vehicle and returned the female to her residence.
Rave Alert Helps Locates Missing Person
Dispatch received a report of a missing 66-year-old with dementia. Police officers responded to the scene and started checking the area, but were unable to locate the individual. The dispatch then initiated a Rave Alert utilizing Voice, Text, CAP and the Smart911 app to notify residents in the area. A resident spotted the missing subject after receiving the alert. The individual was located within four minutes of the alert being sent.
Rave 911 Suite Provides Responders with Critical Data
The dispatcher fielded a call on a domestic situation where the female had called 911 and was unable to speak due to a male in the house refusing to leave and suffering from a mental disorder. The dispatcher was able to provide critical information to responders utilizing the chat feature in the Rave 911 suite with the information that they were able to collect using the chat feature. This call had the best possible outcome.
Smart911 Mobile Caller Location Data Saves Stranded Vehicle
Kern County Firefighters were dispatched to reports of a vehicle over the side of the road. The vehicle occupants were able to call 911, but due to a language barrier we were unable to direct units to the location of the car. Our Emergency Communications Center (ECC) was able to use the Smart911 system and pinpoint the location using GPS. The excellent work of ECC allowed a helicopter to locate the vehicle within 8 minutes of launch.
Rave 911 Suite Helps Save Unconscious Man
The dispatcher received a call from a wife reporting her 62 years young husband “not awake however, breathing”. The dispatcher quickly leveraged the Smart911 console / Rave 911 Suite location data to determine the location of the caller. The dispatcher verbally instructed the caller in performing CPR on her beloved husband. The response time was lengthy, the dispatcher assisted the caller more than ten minutes before First Responders arrived. Responders were successful in getting a pulse once on the scene largely due to the CPR performed.
Rave SmartSave Award Recipients Will Receive a Digital Amazon Gift Card
Questions? Contact Our Marketing Team.
Nicole Bell, Community Engagement Manager
Phone: 407-617-0516
Email: rave.marketingrequests@motorolasolutions.com