Clinton School District Improves Student Safety with Rave Panic Button
Customer Success Story
Clinton School District Improves Student Safety with Rave Panic Button

Challenges Solved
9-1-1 Response, Critical Communication, Incident Collaboration, Mass Notification, Safety & Protection
Customer Details
Next-door-neighbors Eastside and Northside Elementary School use the Rave Panic Button app to communicate broadly to staff at both schools. Rave Panic Button also allows for more targeted communication, so each school can use it for their unique day-to-day needs.
Can one solution meet the unique safety needs of two very different school districts? That was on Mandy Taylor’s mind when she started her role as principal of Eastside Elementary School in Clinton, Miss. She previously worked in the Rankin County School District, which was located about 30 miles east and had a significantly larger student population.
While working in Rankin County, Taylor experienced firsthand how the Rave Panic Button mobile app helped teams collaborate and communicate for improved student safety. When she accepted a position as the Eastside Elementary principal, she knew that it was crucial to bring along this valuable safety solution.
Eastside Elementary shares a campus with another Clinton school, Northside Elementary School. Although the two are next-door neighbors, they are still considered individual schools.
Regardless of this distinction, events such as inclement weather or an active assailant can easily impact both schools, so an overarching safety solution was necessary.
The Solution
“Because Rankin County is so much larger, at first I wasn’t sure if Rave Panic Button would provide the same value,” says Taylor. “Although Clinton is very different, the solution still fit Eastside and Northside Elementary’s unique needs and specifications.”
She quickly discovered spotty cell service across the campus and was hesitant to rely solely on intercoms and radios. Taylor and Northside Elementary School principal Mandy Ambrose eliminated those concerns once staff members of both schools downloaded the Rave Panic Button app on their mobile phones. Rave Panic Button’s ability to connect over the school’s Wi-Fi network meant that staff was never prevented from sending or receiving communications anywhere on campus.
Using Rave Panic Button also meant that Taylor and Ambrose could apply the tool’s Staff Assist feature to easily communicate with anyone in the school. For example, faculty members can receive a message in advance telling them about an upcoming fire drill. Or, if a teacher notices a student missing after that drill has ended, they can send out an alert to other staff members to help locate that student.
“There are certainly occasions where I need to be able to notify staff in both schools, which we can do with Rave Panic Button,” said Taylor. “At the same time, it also gives the flexibility to target communication to only one school, and segment recipients even more finely from there.”
A specific group of recipients can be designated for each type of emergency. For instance, if there’s a minor medical incident on a school playground, a staff member can alert relevant personnel to provide assistance without notifying the entire staff.”
“When we conducted a practice lockdown using Rave Panic Button, it went off without a hitch. Everyone was impressed with how easy it was to communicate before, during and after the drill.”
The Result
Taylor and Ambrose learned the value of these capabilities firsthand when they participated in an active assailant drill in August.
“When we conducted a practice lockdown using Rave Panic Button, it went off without a hitch,” says Taylor. “Everyone was impressed with how easy it was to communicate before, during and after the drill.”
Rave Panic Button also ensured that the correct people are notified, even if they’re not at the school at the time. When Northside Elementary was hosting a back-to-school night for parents, an attendee had a medical emergency. Even though it was after school hours, a staff member used the Panic Button app to contact 9-1-1 to request medical assistance at the incident’s exact location.
In addition, key administrators were automatically notified that the medical emergency button had been pushed, even if they were not in the school at the time.
By providing powerful communication capabilities everywhere it is needed, Rave Panic Button is helping Eastside and Northside Elementary School keep its students safe. Taylor says other schools in the district are already looking into using Rave Panic Button themselves, and she hopes they’ll also find it a valuable tool for fast and reliable communication.
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