Lifesaving Domestic Violence Incident Response in Grove City, OH
Customer Success Story
Lifesaving Domestic Violence Incident Response in Grove City, OH

Challenges Solved
Customer Details
Grove City is 16.73 square miles with over 41,000 residents across 15,977 households and 1,200 businesses.
In Grove City, Ohio, 62% of 9-1-1 calls come from mobile phones, which do not provide an exact address. This lack of location data poses a real problem in situations where a mobile 9-1-1 caller cannot speak.
Just like 9-1-1 centers across the country, Grove City receives silent 9-1-1 mobile calls for home invasions, incidents of domestic violence, and other emergencies where valuable time can be wasted trying to triangulate the caller’s exact location.
If a mobile caller is in clear distress, the 9-1-1 call taker must contact the phone carrier via fax to receive approval to rebid the caller’s location for greater accuracy—a process that can easily take up to 15 minutes.
The Solution
Due to the current limitations in the 9-1-1 infrastructure for mobile calls, Grove City sought a solution that would empower 9-1-1 telecommunicators with innovative technology that could reduce response time and save lives.
Grove City became the first location in Ohio to implement Rave 911 Suite in order to provide actionable data to 9-1-1 and first responders, and provide better support to community members with medical issues and disabilities. As part of the Rave 911 Suite, community members can create free Smart911® Safety Profiles at This provides additional data to 9-1-1 call takers and first responders such as key addresses, medical information, access and functional needs, household descriptions, emergency contacts, and anything relevant to emergency response.
In addition to the supplemental data provided by Smart911 Safety Profiles, Rave 911 Suite provides 9-1-1 call takers additional communication tools to initiate outbound chat sessions with any mobile number.
“The Smart911 Safety Profile may have saved up to 15 minutes in our response time. We were able to get our officers to the scene sooner and prevent a dangerous situation from escalating further.”
The Result
Since the Rave 911 Suite implementation in November 2013, Rave 911 Suite has impacted 3,000 9-1-1 calls and has sent more than 2,100 chats.
Grove City 9-1-1 telecommunicators have also received 5 national commendations for using Rave 911 Suite to positively impact an emergency situation.
Most recently, Sarah Kessler, Communications Technician who has worked at Grove City Division of Police for 5 years, received a 9-1-1 mobile call where she could hear an agitated man screaming in the background and a woman saying, “Get away from me.” Since it was a mobile call, the caller’s exact location was not available, and Kessler could not get the caller on the line. Domestic violence situations are incredibly dangerous for the victims and the responding officers. More officers are assaulted or injured during domestic disturbance calls than any other circumstance. The faster they can gather information and arrive on the scene, the better.
Fortunately, the caller had previously created a Smart911™ Safety Profile that included her home address and other key details. Because the phase 2 location in the 9-1-1 center matched the home address provided, Kessler knew exactly where to dispatch responding officers. Responding officers arrived on the scene and made an arrest. No additional injuries were sustained, and EMS was able to immediately provide medical aid.
In 5 years, Grove City’s 9-1-1 telecommunicators have utilized the Rave 911 Suite every day to improve efficiencies and save lives. Through outbound chats and Smart911 outreach, they are utilizing new tools to engage with their community and help educate them on how to be better prepared for an emergency.
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