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Incident Collaboration Solutions

Prepare, respond, recover and mitigate from both emergencies and planned events by assigning tasks, tracking response activities and ensuring complete coordination throughout the duration of an incident. Connect emergency managers, 9-1-1 telecommunicators, first responders and government personnel with on-site stakeholders to increase coordination, enhance situational awareness and improve response.

police car fire truck helicopter response team

Incident Collaboration to Drive Better Outcomes

Faster Incident Response

  • Automate notifications to all key stakeholders
  • Mobilize teams with one-click conference bridge
  • Assign a scenario-specific list of response team tasks

Increase Response Coordination

  • Leverage prebuilt communication templates
  • Clearly track task assignments, status and history
  • Share and reference resource materials and plans

Enhance Situational Awareness

Easy to Use

  • Simplify the management of tasks and responsibilities
  • Guide staff at all experience levels to assigned tasks
  • Seamless integration to send incident notifications

What Is Tactical Incident Collaboration?

Incident task management collaboration is the recognition that personnel in a public agency, organization, school, university, community and healthcare facility has a role to play during an event and understands what needs to be done, when it needs to happen, and who needs to take responsibility. An incident takes many forms and may not be an isolated event, as multiple situations may unfold simultaneously. At the end of the day, incidents are opportunities for collaborative discovery — for unification across a safety ecosystem made up of communities,  companies, schools, and other agencies that need to navigate problems as they arise, and consistently learn and grow to help mitigate future events.


  • The initial moments of any event are crucial for any organization, school or community, with the early actions taken having an  impact on the outcome. Immediately after an incident occurs, the only resources you have are the people who are  already there and any preloaded templates or content. Where a more specialized response is required, those on-site may need to find time before those best suited can be brought into the response. 

    Yet providing those on hand with the key steps will ensure response moves in the right direction. Critical information is collected, mitigating the effects of the incident immediately and increasing the effectiveness of the response as experts arrive on the scene. Rave refer to this as “tactical incident collaboration,” which automates the tasks required in response and provides all employees with proactive actions to take and preloaded resources to use during the onset of an event. Immediately notifying the right people, allocating the right resources, and taking the right actions can save lives.

What Are the Uses for Incident Collaboration Solutions?

Woman in corporate security command center looking at Rave Collaborate Dashboard

From communities, schools and universities to hospitals and businesses of all sizes, incident collaboration is important and needed. There could be an active assailant on campus,  a severe storm striking a community or a business needs to alert all of its staff to a critical event happening within their facility.

In a state or local community,

connect emergency response, first responders and 9-1-1 telecommunicators with on-site stakeholders to enhance situational awareness and improve response during an unplanned situation.

In Colleges & Universities,

prepare for any unexpected crisis on campus from active assailants to medical outbreaks and severe weather.


conduct regular safety measures (e.g., fire alarms), daily COVID mitigation activities (e.g., health checks and cleaning protocols), or drills (e.g., fire, active assailant, and weather exercises).

In a corporate and enterprise environment,

connect security, first responders, and 9-1-1 telecommunicators with key on-site stakeholders to enhance situational awareness and improve response during a critical event.

In Hospitals and Healthcare Facilities,

initiate communication during major events, including public health emergencies, severe weather and power outages that could impact 24/7 operations.


What Are the Features & Benefits of Incident Collaboration?

Automated Communication of Key Information

Designed for the early minutes of response, this user-friendly tool reinforces policies and procedures. It also provides critical information, such as emergency protocols or suspect photos, in real time.

Dynamic Task Management

View and interact with critical tasks and resources within an intuitive online dashboard to assign clear ownership of roles, provide real-time updates, and react instantly during an active event.

Event-Specific Access to Resources / Digitized Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

Save time and ensure you are always prepared by creating templates for all types of scenarios and attaching  reference documents in the solution beforehand

Extensive Recording of Responses and Actions

Speed response and ensure compliance with a detailed timeline recording of all necessary actions taken during routine situations or unexpected emergencies.

Mass Notifications

Assure all the right people get the right message at the most critical times via multiple channels of communication (SMS text, email, social media, desktop alerts, etc.)

Rave Collaborate Desktop and Mobile
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homeland security designated safety act badge
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The Benefits of Rave’s Incident Collaboration Management Solution

Imagine a scenario in which before first responders arrive at the scene of an emergency, they have access to interactive maps of the location detailing the best access points, utility shutoffs, CCTV and accurate information about any hazards they may encounter.

First responders will also have details of the individuals who may be within the danger zone and their health profiles, detailing any special needs or mobility issues. They can also communicate with individuals or groups of individuals.

Additionally, everyone that has been assigned a task knows what they need to do, how to do it, and when to do it.

Usage of Incident Communications Management

  • Create an incident communication plan when a crisis occurs.
    Set up contact responsibilities to identify the individuals who receive automatic notifications when incident communication plans are created. If they want to receive notifications, Self-Service users can subscribe to incident communication plans.
  • Manage incident communication plans to improve communication while dealing with the crisis.
  • Use the optional Notify feature to send notifications by SMS messages and voice mails, and to set up conference calls.
  • Monitor events and results with the incident communication plan dashboard and reports.

Why Rave for Incident Collaboration?

Our critical communication and collaboration tools proactively engage those who use them in security and safety,  improve the visibility into potential risks, minimize disruption, and facilitate effective communications before, during and after an incident.

This is where Rave Mobile Safety’s critical communications and collaboration platform can be invaluable. Each solution can be used as an element of an incident management system, or the components combined can help you prepare better, respond faster, and communicate more effectively during emergencies.

Incident Management Customer Success Stories

Trusted by Thousands of Organizations

Thousands of customers trust Rave to help protect their employees, students, and residents. Our customers include some of the largest communities, most respected companies, and best known colleges and universities in the world.

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Incident Collaboration Frequently Asked Questions

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Discover our prepackaged solutions or configure a package that’s right for your community, company, K-12 schools and higher education system. Learn how you can be up and running in days, take advantage of unlimited emergency usage, and benefit from unbeatable performance and customer satisfaction.