Rave Prepare
Rave’s web-based access and functional needs registry helps emergency managers, public safety and health leaders understand the individuals most at-risk within a community, to enable faster coordination and more efficient communication during a critical event.
Accurate, Resident-Provided Data on Interactive Maps
With Rave Prepare, residents submit medical information and access or functional needs through an online portal for emergency planning, response and recovery. During a disaster or catastrophic event such as the Coronavirus pandemic, emergency managers can easily identify residents in need of assistance, communicate with them, and assign the appropriate resources to send help.

Rave Prepare Features
Crowdsourced National Online Database
Rave Prepare leverages Smart911, a national database of community member data, to connect with 9-1-1 centers and provide critical information to first responders and emergency managers. Individuals can opt-in to provide Smart911 information through an online portal and because the database is national in scope, it helps facilitate interoperability on the local, regional, and national levels.

Resident Data Profiles Automatically Update
The Rave platform allows for the collection of not only traditional access and functional needs information, but also nontraditional information such as livestock or heavy equipment ownership that is extremely valuable during an incident. Rave Prepare helps keep the information up-to-date and automatically ages out information that hasn’t been updated by the resident after a specified period of time.
Reporting Across Jurisdictions
Data elements collected through a resident-facing website like Smart911 are formatted and structured to allow reporting across jurisdictions. With specific levels of access depending on role, admins can query across jurisdictional boundaries. For example, a state-level official may be interested in critical electricity needs, spanning multiple cities and counties, in the aftermath of severe weather that caused what is expected to be extended power and transportation interruptions.

Data Privacy and Audit Trail
All data is stored in Rave’s top-tier, geo-redundant hosting facilities, with data encryption technologies. Rave provides liability protection for the jurisdiction collecting personal data. All activities in the system and access to the data are logged, providing a complete audit trail on data use and access by agency administrators.
Targeted Custom Messaging to Residents
Provide specific instructions that differ from those sent to the entire population. Examples are shelter locations that can accommodate household pets or medical shelters that can provide the level of care required by an individual’s needs. Having this level of information helps emergency managers identify potential communications challenges, like language preferences.

Benefits of Rave Prepare
Rave Prepare provides an interactive web-based map interface that allows emergency managers to create queries by demographics or location to single out any group or segment in need of assistance.
To respond effectively during a disaster, it’s vital to understand the demographics of residents and visitors. Most offices of emergency management maintain detailed inventories of critical infrastructure, their vulnerabilities, states of repair and hotspots around their jurisdictions frequently impacted such as roads that consistently flood or ice over.
However, the same amount of critical information is rarely available about the community’s most valuable asset — its people. Emergency management can benefit greatly from knowing the needs of residents and commuters and where they are located. Having access to more information is always better when managing response to a disaster. Engage a much broader cross-section of individuals, agencies and advocacy groups in public preparedness outreach with Rave Prepare.
Technology has facilitated the sign up process and made it easier than ever before to self-identify in advance of an emergency. Online registration allows residents to sign up for services on their own time from a computer, tablet, or mobile phone.
Allow caregivers, family members or outpatient providers to assist residents who wish to sign up, but may not be able to due to a physical impairment.
Variance between questions from one jurisdiction to the next can make information sharing more difficult and may also muddy the waters if one jurisdiction asks a question about mobility differently than another.
Users can have automated reminders sent to them through their preferred method of communication (phone call, email, text message) to update information in a timely, but non-obtrusive manner.
Emergency managers from surrounding areas can quickly identify users who are non-ambulatory and know that everyone is working off the same template, which cuts down the chances of making an error during the critical time where evacuations are underway.
A searchable database not only allows proactive identification and engagement with residents, but can also be used for preplanning exercises by identifying the most common issues that residents are signaling to emergency managers.
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