Join David Batastini, our Director of Product Management, to discuss how colleges and universities are handling their evolving responsibilities of campus safety and what role mass notifications systems play in these situations.
Meet The Speakers:
Michael Gooler

Corporal Michael Gooler is the Emergency Management Coordinator at the University of South Carolina’s Division of Law Enforcement and Safety (USC DLES). Cpl. Gooler is responsible for the Carolina Alert mass notification systems on campus. His duties include the support and maintenance of the Carolina Alert systems as well as the law enforcement radio communications system for the Division.
Lori Hall

Lori Hall has been the public information officer at Clackamas Community College in Oregon City, Ore., since 2015. She is in charge of planning and coordinating the college’s communications. Hall manages media relations and serves as the college’s official media spokesperson. As a member of the college’s incident command team, Hall also handles crisis communication during emergencies.
Joe Spera

As the Deputy Police Chief, Operations, Joseph Spera is responsible for all aspects of information technology, security technology, emergency communications, Clery Act compliance and communications accreditation for the Drexel University Department of Public Safety.